Manage users quickly and easily thanks to a fully-featured user management system made with Support Board. Provide a great user experience for both users and agents.
We offer complete user management. Allow visitors to register and log in directly from the chat. Personalize the registration form with custom fields, and require registration before starting a chat.
Keep your most important customer data in one place. Create new users on the fly, edit existing ones, limit agent privileges and view or edit user details directly from your conversations.
Search for users by name, email or any other custom field, and then sort and filter them instantaneously from the user table. View and engage online users by sending the first message.
Improve customer support with more data and automatically gleans useful information about the user. From country to local time, context is key – and our goal is to keep your customers happy in the long term.
Detect the user's language on the fly by analyzing the user's messages. This feature is powered by Google Cloud and can be used in conjunction with real-time message translations.
Amplifica la potenza degli strumenti menzionati in questa pagina abbinando gli strumenti di marketing al ChatBot. Il ChatBot può automatizzare tutto, inclusa la risposta alle domande degli utenti relative alle campagne di marketing. In questo modo, il chatbot può migliorare l’esperienza del cliente, risparmiandoti tempo e duro lavoro.
Importa in massa e senza sforzo gli utenti, compresi i loro attributi personalizzati, dai file CSV.
Attiva diversi flussi di chatbot o automazioni in base a dettagli specifici dell’utente, come lingua e paese.
Consente al ChatBot e a fonti esterne di raccogliere i dettagli degli utenti per te in modalità conversazionale.